Thursday, October 21, 2010

Question: Can I attend the show if I am a wholesale customer?

Answer: Yes, many / most of our exhibitors also sell wholesale on their own terms.  As a retail show, we insist that all products on display be available to retail customers at a retail price. We do not require our exhibitors to also sell at wholesale terms, but many / most do.  Each exhibitor who chooses to also sell wholesale will have their own criteria for what is a wholesale customer and what wholesale terms they offer, e.g. discounts based on volume of product purchased or $ value of purchase, minimum purchase size, etc.  Come to the show and ask the exhibitors whose products interest you, as to what are their wholesale terms.  Wholesale customers do not need to register their business information with the show in advance or at the show, but still pay admission like any customer.

Question: Is the show retail? Is it open to the public?

Answer:  All Canadian Bead Oasis Shows are retail shows that are open to the general public.  Anyone may attend (admission fees apply).

Question: Do you hold beading classes throughout the year?

Answer: Canadian Bead Oasis Shows holds classes only at its shows, which are 3-day events that typically happen in one of our show cities once per year (twice in Toronto).  The shows currently scheduled for the next 12 months are listed in a post on the Home page of this blog, and at  During the rest of the year, if you are looking for beading classes you should seek out local bead stores in your area which offer classes.  Also some art colleges and high schools offer jewelry making classes at some times of year.  Some of our exhibitors (on our List of Exhibitors for a show) are instructors who also teach in the area and you may contact them directly; they may have a link to their website or an ad on the List of Exhibitors page for a show, or they may have their website or email on class listings connected with a show.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Facts on our Email List

For up to date information go to and add your email online to our rapidly growing email list!

We don't share our email list with anyone; we use it only to let list members know about the show or shows of their choice; and we send out only 3 emails per show per year.

If you have already put your email address into a door prize draw box at one of our shows, you will be already on the list for that specific show, but you can still go online and add yourself to the list for other shows or All Shows!

We tell email list members for a show when classes are first posted for a show, so you can book right away and get first pick at your favorites, and avoid "Class Full" disappointments later.

We also send an email newsletter to the show's list members about 6-8 weeks before the show as a reminder, featuring selected classes of interest and highlighting those that are nearly full; and a third newsletter 2 weeks before the show as a last-minute reminder and classes update.

2010 Year in Review - Part III

Attendance up in Montreal and Toronto! Customer attendance at our Montreal show in August was up by 8%! And in Toronto in September, attendance increased by 2.3%.

Both shows saw record numbers of beading classes offered; in Toronto we reached our all-time record (so far!) of 55 classes posted.

Exhibitor participation was up also in both shows, with Montreal setting a new record for number of booths, and Toronto filling its usual space at 95 booths. Both shows saw numerous new exhibitors and many new products were available!

We are eagerly awaiting 2011, with 4 of the shows already posted at with confirmed 2011 dates (Toronto Spring, Halifax, Montreal and Toronto Fall). Look for the Toronto Fall show on its new dates of October 21-23 2011 in the usual location, Metro Toronto Convention Centre North Building, 255 Front Street West, on the whole east half of the street level between the lobby and the Intercontinental Hotel.

Toronto Spring 2011 is our next upcoming show, March 11-13 2011. Look for Toronto Spring 2011 classes to be posted along with its show webpages in early November 2010.