Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2010 Year in Review - Part II

Summer 2010 began for us with our Calgary show, this time in a new venue at the Calgary Stampede Grounds Big Four Building. Attendance soared to almost beat the pre-recession record for the show. Class registrations were extremely strong and set a new record for this show as well! A group of new classes at our Calgary show, such as Viking Knit, and new instructors and exhibitors made for an exciting dynamic show experience!

In July we started another new show, in Halifax! Everyone was amazed at the strong support from Halifax customers and class registrants. It seemed like a third year show in many ways. Many out of town customers from Ottawa, other areas of Ontario, the Maritimes, US and Quebec came and made a holiday visit to scenic historic downtown Halifax and its bustling harbourfront and restaurants! We were also pleased to have many TOPS members from their International convention visit our show.